Check out the photo above -- snow in Julian CA! Just one hour from our house. We knew the storms that brought so much rain to San Diego had to have dropped some snow in the mountains, but we had no idea how much snow, how light, dry and fun it would be, and how easy it was to get there (click here for a current Julian snow and weather report).
We drove into the small town of Julian last Saturday morning, and had brunch at the Julian Cafe (40 minute wait - so the kids slushed around in the snow on the sidewalks while we walked around and waited). The apple cider was delicious, Buffalo Bill and other dressed up characters around town stopped by! (below is Alec hanging out and watching snow melt, dogs and horses pass by...)
There was no need for chains on the tires for the snow, but there was a moment of drama when my dad's car was stuck because the tire could not get traction to back up and pull out from his parking spot on a steep hill. A shopkeeper gave us cardboard to put under the icy tire, a bunch of helpful men helped push the car to gain traction and we were off to go sledding...
We had so much fun playing in the snow that we are going back again tomorrow; hope to see many of you there!! It is such a perfect family day -- we went with my parents, and grandma, aunts, cousin and niece who are visiting. As we watched Alec eat snow, Evan and Sophie sledding down the hill after making snow angels atop a gorgeous, silent hill looking into the woods, my cousin (who usually prefers Bloomingdales and Bebe) exclaimed -- "wow, and you get to enjoy all of this for free!"
THE TIP: As we were driving out of Julian (at 2 pm) there was a huge line of cars backed up on the road into town.... so we advise you get there early as it seems the town gets very crowded for lunch and afterward.
Also, you will be tempted to pull over and play in the snow as soon as you see it on the ground -- hang tight and drive another few miles to where it is less crowded and the show is REALLY deep and fresh :)
See below - can you believe how much snow there was?!