Saturday, November 29, 2008


Hello Friends,

We're writing from somewhere off the coast of Baja California (family cruise, photo below) and getting such a unique perspective on what we have to be thankful for.

Each other, our boys, extended family, health, and so many amazing friends... everything else is truly a luxury above these most important life elements. And as we talk with people from other parts of the world, visit Mexican ports and see what is happening overseas today we are reminded what it means to be so blessed as Americans, in troubling but also inspiring times.

How can we not be inspired, when all of you jumped in to support fire victims last year, supported Habitat's 100th home this year and in all raised over $3,600 through the Family Fair. In just the past weeks, you helped our friend Ilyse gather more than 100 pairs of shoes for children in Africa
. Next week, join our friend Patrick in supporting the great event below at Stingaree; another opportunity to help and have fun during the holidays!

We can't wait to return and see you at the following classes & events -- and get back to work adding more to the catalog :)

- Dec 6th: New Children's Museum Open House (try our "Little Snaps" photography class for free and register for all 2009 classes at the museum

- Dec 9th: "From Terrible Toddlers to Terrific Tots" parenting class at Java Mama

- Dec 11th: Stingaree Nightclub benefit party, 7 pm downtown

- Dec 13th: Back by demand, "Career Workshop" in La Jolla

See you all again soon!
Gabriela & Steve

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