Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Holidays... in the Snow!!

We hope that everyone has enjoyed the last few days with family, friends and peace in your home and heart! Our Christmas was lovely at home, and in the mountains just east of San Diego we lived out the spirit of a winter wonderland in the snow :)

Check out the photo above -- snow in Julian CA! Just one hour from our house. We knew the storms that brought so much rain to San Diego had to have dropped some snow in the mountains, but we had no idea how much snow, how light, dry and fun it would be, and how easy it was to get there (click here for a current Julian snow and weather report).

We drove into the small town of Julian last Saturday morning, and had brunch at the Julian Cafe (40 minute wait - so the kids slushed around in the snow on the sidewalks while we walked around and waited). The apple cider was delicious, Buffalo Bill and other dressed up characters around town stopped by! (below is Alec hanging out and watching snow melt, dogs and horses pass by...)

There was no need for chains on the tires for the snow, but there was a moment of drama when my dad's car was stuck because the tire could not get traction to back up and pull out from his parking spot on a steep hill. A shopkeeper gave us cardboard to put under the icy tire, a bunch of helpful men helped push the car to gain traction and we were off to go sledding...

We had so much fun playing in the snow that we are going back again tomorrow; hope to see many of you there!! It is such a perfect family day -- we went with my parents, and grandma, aunts, cousin and niece who are visiting. As we watched Alec eat snow, Evan and Sophie sledding down the hill after making snow angels atop a gorgeous, silent hill looking into the woods, my cousin (who usually prefers Bloomingdales and Bebe) exclaimed -- "wow, and you get to enjoy all of this for free!"

THE TIP: As we were driving out of Julian (at 2 pm) there was a huge line of cars backed up on the road into town.... so we advise you get there early as it seems the town gets very crowded for lunch and afterward.

Also, you will be tempted to pull over and play in the snow as soon as you see it on the ground -- hang tight and drive another few miles to where it is less crowded and the show is REALLY deep and fresh :)

See below - can you believe how much snow there was?!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Radio Interviews

I was interviewed by SignOnSanDiego radio and Savvy Parent Radio, audio clips below:

Click on the MP3 segments
See the Nov 20th clip, "Neworking Mothers"

Now you know why they call me "Gaby" - I hate hearing media interviews after the fact, but there should be some interesting tidbits in there for you!

I'm including this post in the "Resaturants" label because the SignOn interview was with Alicia, owner of Java Mama (yummy food, great coffee and fun for the little ones).

THE TIP: You can get so much great advice, in real time, via radio shows. My favorite call-in shows are the George Chamberlin "Buckets of Money" show, Dr. Laura for relationship / parenting advice and "Editor's Roundtable" on KPBS / NPR! What are yours?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

WOW!! Peter Schiff had it SO down pat!

FAVORITE FIND: Not sure if we have made a person a favorite find before, but here's a guy that knew what he was talking about...

Check out the link abve for a compilation of news segments from as early as 2006 where all of the news "gurus" are laughing and making fun of the warnings Peter Schiff was giving. Fox News analysts were touting "boom" and what bargains Goldman Sachs, WAMU and Merryl Lynch stock were (bankrupt firms now!!) while Schiff pretty much predicted "bust" via the housing bubble, recession, sub-prime collapse and current credit crisis...

I'm going to research this guy further, he is so on target (or WAS so on target) by saying that all wealth in the past years was purely on paper and the only way to get out from this awful recession is to SAVE and PRODUCE.

I am disgusted by the slick commentator laughing at Schiff, and telling him "I have NO idea where you are getting this... what artifical lending standard are you talking about??!!" Please tell me these other guys are no longer given ANY air time, as a courtesy to the nation!

THE TIP: You can probably believe in 1% of the "advice" you hear on mainstream news (and I used to work at CNN guys, remember?)

And for good measure, below is what Schiff has to say of late, Nov 2008:

Friday, December 5, 2008

Track Santa!

How cute is this website that allows you to track Santa as he makes his way to our homes this year!

Thank you to friend Joelle for sharing the website, along with the complete press release for how this all started in 1955!!

THE TIP: There are many schools of thought on the topic of Santa, but we say live the fantasy as long as you can! We love listening out the window with our boys (Alec may not know what he's listening for exactly) and have even added to the Christmas lore by also having the Christmas Mouse that visit us every December :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tis the Season... To Learn!

As we all know, this is bound to be a holiday season like no other given the troubling economic downturn and reality check that home prices and lost jobs are providing.

But don't forget that ultimately we create our own realities, and instead of going through the holidays with some added pounds from feasts and new sweaters to store in the closet, you can give and seek the gift of knowledge thereby creating for yourself the kind of life you want for 2009.

I am so inspired by the moms in my playgroups that decided to turn their love for photography into blooming businesses. You never know where following your passion could take you, just as I never could have guessed that our first photography class "
Little Snaps: Photography With Your Toddler" would go from a fellow mom teaching me, my friends and our toddlers at Old Poway Park, to a class now being offered at the New Children's Museum.

Check out the link below featuring my littl guy Evan on the museum website - we've come a long way from when "Little Snaps" was first offered at a local park!

The link above has all the info for the Museum's Open House, Saturday Dec 6th where you can try the "Little Snaps" class for free and sign up for this and other wonderful classes offered at the museum starting January 2009. (At just $15 per class for museum members taking "Little Snaps" you will not find a better value anywhere for a quality class in these tough economic times).

And the learning this season can be fun photo-taking, or much needed parent-improving, especially with the holidays and family functions. Join me and Steve for the parenting class "
From Terrible Toddlers to Terrific Tots" at Java Mama, Dec 9th and stay tuned for the next "How to Babyproof Your Relationship" taught by the same instructor, Carrie of Baby Maven. We also have our 9th CPR class in the works for January 2009, an absolute must for everyone.

But if it is pure "me time" that you need, don't miss the opportunity to take control of how we all spend the majority of our time - working! Join us at our next Career Workshop, Dec 13th in La Jolla and learn from Career Coach guru, Marcy Morrison, how to combine your passion with a plan for an awesome 2009.

THE TIP: We have gift certificates available, which make great gifts and can be applied toward any class. Call us at (858) 673-3973 and don't be shy to ask for a class as a gift as we often get your emails that you are saving up for the next Chef Marcela class or looking forward to our next CPR class or wine tasting ;)